by the company
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You make 35,000 decisions a day. Each of them could change your life, but which do you remember? Which matter? A group of young adults stumble through the everyday choices that could reshape their lives. They share the verbatim tales of their contemporaries and elders, looking for turning points that matter and the joys and regrets that tumble after. As they look forward they talk to those more acquainted with hindsight, though it's not a nostalgia trip or a carnival of regret, but a collision of chance and calculation, loss and hope; exploring fate and free-will.

C south
C south (main theatre) venue 58 St Peter's, Lutton Place, EH8 9PE
18-25 Aug at 14:15 (1hr00)
Tickets £7.50-£9.50 / concessions £5.50-£7.50 / under 18s £3.50-£5.50
Recommended 12+