Euripides, adapted by Ben Hales and Mal Smith for Splendid Productions
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Immortalised as a monster of Ancient Greece, Medea, who helped Jason steal the Golden Fleece from her father, and murdered her own children, finally gives her defence. The Morton Players perform Splendid's condensed adaptation of Euripides' play, which puts the audience at the heart of an exhilarating performance, while poking fun at its extreme tragedy. This mythical romance is as suspenseful as it is devastating. What drives a woman to infanticide? Who is the person behind the myth? Whose version of history should we believe? A kindly chorus of grandmothers present this timeless tale of passion, betrayal and revenge.

C cubed
C cubed (main space) venue 50 Brodie's Close, Lawnmarket, EH1 2PS
3-10 Aug at 15:45 (1hr00)
Tickets £7.50-£9.50 / concessions £5.50-£7.50 / under 18s £3.50-£5.50
Recommended 12+